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diy english custard vape e-liquid

Advanced Vaping

English Custard DIY E-liquid Recipe

By Staff Editor 24th May 2020 2 Mins


We’ve been on a bit of a fruit and ice kick recently but today we’re sharing a custard recipe. An “English Custard” to be more precise. This profile is indulgent but light enough to be vaped all day and due to the conservative amount of additional sweetener, it’s quite friendly on coils, too!

English Custard – Recipe:

(MB) Molinberry – Legendary Custard – 5%
(TFA) The Flavor Apprentice – Vanilla Swirl – 3%
(CAP) Capella – Vanilla Custard – 2%
(INW) Inawera – Yes We Cheesecake – 1.5%
(FA) Flavour Art – Milk – 1.5%
(CAP) Capella – Super Sweet – 0.25%
Additive – Ethyl Maltol – 0.5%

Flavour notes:

Molinberry Legendary Custard is what makes this profile an “English Custard”. There’s something about this flavouring that’s highly reminiscent of the tinned custards which are popular in the UK. This flavouring needs some help though and feels a little thin on its own. We’re using TFA Vanilla Swirl to add a brighter confectionary vanilla, along with CAP Vanilla Custard for hints of a rich, eggy note. INW Yes We Cheesecake further bolsters the mouth-feel and doesn’t get in the way.

All good custards should have a milk note and this is where FA Milk comes in. In my view, it’s an underrated ingredient and this recipe should be a good example of how to use it.

Sweetening custards is a controversial topic. Usually, I like to avoid sweetener all together with custards, sometimes using ethyl maltol for the sake of volume. In this case, some super sweet is needed to mask the slight bitterness that MB Legendary Custard has on the finish.  This, combined with some ethyl maltol provides a velvety, sweet finish.


Lots of custard profiles require patience. This one starts to come together nicely after a week but it does get richer the longer you let it sit.

Topics: DIY, Recommended


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Staff Editor